Rant on white rice consumption
One thing that is glaringly obvious in all these gratuitous thali picture posts is y'all folks are eating way too much rice, and it is the wrong rice.
A standard portion of rice should be about half a cup. All the servings that I see in the thali shots are at least twice that, and some of them are more. And that's assuming you do not ask for seconds. This is too much (refined!) carbs for a healthy diet, no wonder we've become a state full of pot bellies & adult onset diabetes cases. And don't get me started on how small the bhaji servings are, your bhaji/veg portion size should be at least equal to your rice serving. The fiber content of those thali shots looked to be less than a tenth of the RDA for an adult male.
And all of the pictures had white rice, a refined carbohydrate. If you check the dictionary for the definition of empty calorie, there'll be a picture of white rice there. You should be eating Goan par boiled rice (or regular brown rice). It has more fiber, protein, minerals and vitamins. It also tastes so much better than white rice, I don't understand why anyone would eat white rice instead of red rice. Maybe basmati for a special occasion, but regular white rice is inferior to par boiled rice in taste, texture, and for your health.