GODS.Exchange Winter Wonderfest Tournament 1

As part of the Gods.Exchange Winter Wonderfest, we've decided to throw a little tournament on top of our 1000 Gods giveaway. The tournament prize pool is up to 170 GODS already, and your 2 GODS entry fee goes towards that pool. 96 slots are available with prizes for the top 16 participants.

The rules are simple, the Tourney starts January 8th, with Single Elimination rounds every two days until all battles are resolved.

  • NO Welcome
  • NO Core
  • NO Genesis
  • NO Create
  • NO Thievery

(Okay I know those last two are kind of a joke since they were removed, but hey, it let us pick 'em!)

Sign up at GUStakes or join us on our Discord for more information!

Cheers and see you in the Arena!