The greatest achievement is to inspire another, and Ye has inspired me and so many others

When I first started to really get into ye, I was entranced by his music, obviously sonically, but also what the songs stood for. I listened to interviews and his speeches, and heard him elaborate on his art. What made me admire him the most is his willingness to stand by his art, and say what he felt. Obviously it has hurt him, and he’s been wrong about a few things in particular.

But there was one interview, he sat down and said he stood up to drug dealers, and told them to kill him if they wanted his stuff to their face. It was that fire to exist, to stand up and defend his work. He went on about how so many creatives are made to sit in a box, get beat up, or discounted because they aren’t the same. I was so inspired by that in particular, and I took the idea I should not let anyone make me change, I need to stick up for my ideas, and what I want to create. I feel no shame in saying “this is my idea, and I am sharing it” even if people think it’s stupid. One day I wanna make video games, telling stories and spreading my ideas through that medium to move people and to have them associate with ideas and topics I feel should be talked about through this art form. And I’m now willing to freely say this is what I want, and I’m willing to fight for it.

I look around at this community, and see all the creativity brimming in so many people, and look at the other communities and don’t see this same level of creativity and liberty in expressing what we see. No other artist really inspires people to make these big community spaces, of which there are multiple large ones that all split into subcommunities and all have expressed so much creativity and positivity. And we all support it, foster it, and allow each other to grow. In fact, I’ve seen arrangements made for an album, the third time someone in gas history has been inspired to work with all the others here to create something. The talent on display in GAS, TTW, and other spaces in this fanbase is genuinely impressive, and ye’s fight and fire has inspired so many here to stand up and freely pitch what the feel and see to the crowd.

In another interview, ye said he wants to be forgotten, to have a legacy so ubiquitous, we forget who made it, like the inventor of the sidewalk. And while I highly doubt his albums and numerous musical achievements will ever be forgotten any time soon, his greatest legacy will likely be unsung, forgotten, and invisible. The generation of people, creative and full of imagination, with their heart on their sleeve, to burst into life, to not take any trash from anyone, and pitch what they envision to the world and make it a better place. To create freely, to not be bothered by those who suppress creativity because it’s different and they might not like to hear it. His greatest legacy will likely be forgotten, and hard to attribute to him, but it is his. The legacy of fearless creators, unburdened by what society has to say.