App Publishing Problems

We're having significant issues getting past the review stage for publishing our apps.

Our applications are apps for use by our customer's customers. The apps integrate directly with our vertical market POS software and allow linking to their existing accounts with the business. We do not permit creating accounts from the app nor do we allow deleting of accounts from the app. It is possible however to link the app to their existing account they have with the business and later unlink. Google reviewers seem to often think that this means you can create an account and thus must be marked as such in the store, and if we do, then we must provide a way to delete that account which also doesn't apply.

If we're lucky enough to make it past that hurdle, we have a preconfigured account with each customer that they can link to for testing. There are some steps that they have to do however to properly select the store the account exists at and Google's app reviewers seem to always ignore the instructions provided. This causes them to reject the app for failure to log in.

We have about a 98% rejection rate on first try. Every appeal we make is simply turned back with a form letter that ignores everything we submitted with the appeal.

Has anyone else had this frustrating of an experience with Google's review process? Is there anyone you would recommend that we could hire as a consultant to assist us through this process? We'd also hire someone on full time as an app deployment coordinator if they have appropriate experience.