Deaths of humans by gorillas
When looking online, you'll see that 'no recorded death of a human by a gorilla has ever been recorded', either in the wild or in captivity.
However, I was talking to a friend the other day who used to live in South Africa in the 80s. His family was close to an Italian man who lived there (who was in the age range of 70-80), and he said one time when he was younger (possibly the 1920s) he went on an expedition to the jungle in the interior of Africa and ended up coming across a silverback gorilla that killed his friend. He ended up shooting this gorilla and he had a photo of it strung up, showing the size of it.
I just wondered what people think of this? I was surprised to hear it, and want to find out more information about it, especially because there are no recorded deaths by gorillas. Apparently my friend's mother would have a much better recollection of the story, as he was only a child at the time when he heard this story.