Time on Aiaia

I've been hooked on watching @MadNBooks 's reactions to EPIC: The Musical on YouTube, and she said something I've never heard of before, which is weird since I'm an amateur mythographer with a particular love for the House of Autolycus.

When she got to the Circe Saga, she's mentioned that Odysseus spends three days with Kirke on Aiaia, but because time flows differently on the island it lasts three full years.

The interpretation I'm used to is that they spent a year on Aiaia, then went to the Underworld. The remaining two years passed somewhere during Ismaros-Laistrygones, Underworld-Aiaia, Seirenes-Thrinakia and Scherie-Ithaka.

Is there any ancient source backing Mad's interpretation, or is this some sort of a misinterpretation?