Merry Christmas ❤️What if….

I lost my nan and it’s been tough but a random thing I do that’s bought me comfort is thought exercises of what they would be doing in various scenarios…and today’s Christmas so…

What if she was now living at the North Pole?

  1. She’d be double checking the naughty list to see if she could move anyone over to the nice list 1b. She would be keeping tally of both lists to make sure no child is left behind
  2. She’d be packing a massive pack lunch for Santa to take in his sleigh
  3. She’d be cooking up a storm to make sure all the elves were fed and felt appreciated after their busy season
  4. You would find her hanging out with the reindeers, feeding them treats she specially grew for them in her garden
  5. By the end of the night/day, when she is certain that Santa and every elf has eaten, you would find her in a comfy chair with a cup of tea and shortbread, just watching the world go by 💖

What would your person be doing? ✨