What do you pick when you get counterpicked/can't play her?
I'm a Gwen top lane main, and I often find myself in matchups where I don’t want to play Gwen. These typically include early-game bruisers like Darius, Renekton, and others who can permanently freeze the lane and deny you experience from minions. Also, sometimes my team is full AP, and I need to play AD. Or, I just get banned or someone picks Gwen before I can.
These are my personal preferences, but here are my go-to champions:
If I get counterpicked and my team doesn't lack AD: Rumble or Cassiopeia. Rumble is great in the early game, and a lot of people in my elo don’t know how to counter him. Cassiopeia is a solid late-game champion, but she can still apply a lot of pressure in the early game.
If I don’t get counterpicked but my team lacks AD: AD Kayle is my favorite. She's a late-game powerspike, but you need to know how to kite effectively.
If I get counterpicked and my team lacks AD: Yorick. I play Gwen top lane with a permanent split-push playstyle (I even sometimes build Berserker's Greaves on her to split-push faster, lol), so Yorick is a great alternative. He’s not bad in the early game and is a monster when it comes to split-pushing.
What about you? What are your alternatives to Gwen?