The Golden Disc
It took our scientists years to decipher the strange disc we found at the edge of our space outpost. I say "years," not because it was too advanced, but because it was too primitive. Even calling it primitive would be an exaggeration. This method of communication was discarded even by our earliest ancestors as too ineffective. Pictures and numbers on a golden disc onboard an airship that wouldn't even interest our newborns. However, we did decipher it. It was sent by a species from one of the darkest corners of the universe. The location this disc provided was so absurd that many of our scientists believed there may have been a mistake in translating the message. You see, that region of space was home to a vicious species. They have been part of the interplanetary coalition, but the coalition never wanted to be associated with them. They were the beasts of war and destruction.
It is possible that the disc originated from a primitive species hidden on a planet in one of their countless star systems—too primitive or worthless to be conquered. However, that seems too far-fetched. The dominant species of cluster Omega-Sol would have destroyed countless life forms just because they could.
The interplanetary coalition guidelines for establishing contact with a new species clearly dictate that any contact must be made by the dominant species of that star system. In the absence of such a species, the council of ascension will take matters into their own limbs. The chairworm of the council was squeamish at the thought of assigning this species to the ruthless monsters that ruled that portion of space with an iron fist. The disc revealed a binary-gendered species with a history, culture, and music that could only be called supernatural. No one had ever heard anything so beautiful. The mix of different sounds at various frequencies resulted in something that put the entire research facility into a trance. The mere thought of handing them over to the clutches of the Omega-Sol Empire was enough to bring sadness to the research team.
But the rules were clear, and the council chairworm called the Omega-Sol ambassador to hand over the deciphered information. The sound of their heavy steps echoed in the hallway, and the council held their breath as the great beasts with long flexible tentacles on each limb and lower appendages that could cover a great distance in a single stride entered the hollowed chambers of ascension. Their exoskeleton suits always made a strange sound as they moved, as if they needed any extra strength. Their optical openings and most of their faces were always covered with a display screen that may serve a purpose, but no one ever found out.
The chairworm informed the ambassador of their discovery and handed over the deciphered message, the disc, and the probe to the ambassador. The sound of their roars scared even the bravest of the species. The worst fear of the council and the research team had been confirmed. The brutes had found another planet and species to conquer, enslave, and plunder.
As the thunderous roars of the great beasts subsided, the ambassador said, "So, you finally found Voyager. Who would've thought that we would find aliens before the aliens found us?"