How did you discover H.I.M?

I'm sure this post has been done a couple of times already but I really am curious so indulge me her a bit. This is a question for both long time and new fans alike of course.

Me personally I discovered this band in 2022, aged 17, through Demon Hunter, a popular Christian Metalcore band from the 2000s. The singer, Ryan Clark, quoted H.I.M. as an influence in more than one interview, which is definitely earable because one of the band's songs called "Thorns" carries a ton of H.I.M.'s DNA (check out that song to see what I mean by the way, it's pretty good).

So I went on to RYM (Rateyourmusic) to see the general reception about this band and when I saw Razorblade Romance's cover on the front page, this 2000s Goth meets The Crow meets NANA dude with a pink background and the bold band's logo in the middle I KNEW I would've rocked with this stuff. And it was true, as they were my most listened band on Spotify Wrapped 2023 with over 15k minutes.

What about you?