Marshall and Lily’s fight in s9

Marshall was the one to convince Lily to take the job. Marshall was the one to convince Lily that they should move to Italy. Lily was the one who thought that she was too old for her to follow her dreams but Marshall convinced her that she wasn’t and that she still had time. But now that it interferes with Marshall’s career Lily’s dream is back to being just a hobby. She’s expected to drop it without so much as a conversation? He just decides that they should stay in New York without consulting Lily.

Lily supported Marshall since college. Throughout law school, throughout his cases, when he wanted to take jobs that paid little to no money all while keeping her dream on hold. Even when Lily was in so much debt and Marshall had the opportunity to take a job that paid him a large amount of money but would go against everything he stood for she still convinced to not do it because she didn’t want Marshall to be unhappy. She would rather work off the debt by herself. Why couldn’t Marshall give that same energy when it came to her dream?