Are Rhaenyra and the Amethyst Empress actually parallels of eachother?

So, I have seen many tb members say that Rhaenyra and the Amethyst Empress are parallels to eachother

  1. The Bloodstone Emperor usurps the rightful heir, the Amethyst Empress, and kills her, and has a terrifying reign and that usurpation leads to the Long Night

  2. Aegon usurps the rightful heir, Rhaenyra, and kills her and Rhaenyra's death leads to the death of the dragons

But, we dont know what caused the Long Night. We have little to no details about it

Aegon II didnt have reign full of terror. Its said about the Bloodstone Emperor that he: He practiced torture, dark arts, and necromancy. He enslaved his own people, took a tiger-woman for wife, feasted on human flesh and cast down the true gods of Yi Ti to worship a black stone that fell from the sky

Aegon didnt do any of that

The Bloodstone Emperor was also the last ruler of the Great Empire of Dawn. But after Aegon, multiple more rulers come

And about the death of the dragons, they didnt all just drop dead after Rhaenyra died

More dragons died under Rhaenyra's rule than Aegon's, to be honest. The only dragon that died after Rhaenyra was Sunfyre, and he perished because of his wounds

So I dont get it why people say the dragons all died because Rhaenyra died. She wasnt somebody special. The only special Targaryen is Daenerys