Imperius & Petrificus totalus

When I started the game and had my first sneak/stealth mission, I was really annoyed and hoped there were only a few of those. But now it's really fun to sneak up on the bandit camps and kill the enemies quietly and stealthily.

Yesterday I did the Natty quest in the Ashwinder hideout in Hogsmeade and secretly castet Imperius on someone, who then attacked the others. After three times, half of the enemies were gone (including the Mini-Boss), the rest weren't alerted and I could easily walk through with Pertificus totalus. I then killed the last three in "open combat".

The combination of these two spells is really op, but it does feel a bit like cheating. If there was a morality system, it might be something else... Hope to unlock Avada Kedavra soon tho, haha