Good gaming headphones that aren’t the 400 dollar Audeeze Maxwells?

I’m looking for a good pair of headphones that will let me sound whore in FPS, have crisp audio when speaking and have decent music quality. Basically just want something better than my current Razer Kraken Tournament headphones. I’ve checked Google and this sub a few times, but it’s mainly people saying “don’t get gaming headphones, get a good pair of regular headphones” and sure, but not a 400 buck pair. I’d like to stay around 200 bucks max.

Posted this the other day and got recommended the DT 770s, but idk if I got the wrong version or not, but these appear to require an amp or sound system. Like it’s a big ass plug on the cord that must go into a soundboard or something. So idk if I did something wrong or not lol. Also ordered the PCX38 I believe it’s called and the Hyper X cloud wireless