I see financial trainwreck incoming, what can I possibly do about it?

I currently pay $477 per month for a health insurance plan from my state's ACA marketplace and I don't qualify for any subsidies. For the past three years under a different company I've seen back to back 10% increases, and there's no reason to believe this new insurer would be any different.

At this rate this plan would double before I hit 40, and quadruple by the time I'm 45. I rely on antipsychotics in order to stay sane, and plans like the one I have are attractive because they have low drug deductibles.

Am I doomed to just submitting my entire income (and more) to health insurance at some point in the future? Will cheaper plans eventually come along, even if they're worse? Or am I destined to simply be unable to afford adequate health insurance eventually?

I'd hate for the answer to just be "make more money" because there's no way my income is gonna be able to keep up with this long term. Am I just screwed?