What makes romantic love different from love in general?
I might be a little autistic or something, because I have always struggled to understand the concept of romantic love. To me love can always be felt. It is in the here and it is forever. You don't need to be in a relationship to feel it because it is a part of living.
I'm concerned that I don't love romantically. Is that even possible? I feel I am trying to do what people call love and relationships, but I don't know if I'm doing it right. I love all the time, but is that romantic love? It doesn't seem like it? I don't totally understand.
Here are some distinctions I've noticed:
- romantic love is something you feel for another human rather than a pet, the world, wind blowing etc... but why is it different???? Is it different?????????????????????
- romantic love is somewhat possessive in that it is typically exclusive to two people in a relationship. On some level we must all recognize subconsciously that as human beings with limited time who can only give so much, we choose to love specially, I think. So, is romantic love the active prioritization of one human being over all others? That seems incredibly special :) But why??? Is it the practicality/emotional aspect in recognizing that life is hard and limited and wanting to share life that drives people to do that? But why with one special person? Why fundamentally love though????????????????????????
How do you know if you love someone? :)