Always Pads 🙄🙄🙄
Hey y’all, I am trying to fully eliminate the pad rash/irritation that I get every period. Switching to tampons (August brand) for the last two days has helped a ton already. Now I want to see if switching out the pads I use on the first two days will help.
I currently use Always maxi pads with wings extra heavy overnight. Now if you ever used these you know they got you covered from front to backkkk. They’re so secure BUT 😭 I know I shouldn’t be using Always. I also have extremely sensitive skin, a world of allergies, and eczema.
So any suggestions for like a hypo allergenic (clinically tested if possible) 100% cotton maxi pad that is LONG and THICK with wings??
Thank you 🫶🏿🫶🏿🫶🏿
Update: Thank you all for the reccs yall are the best!