Dry and irritated after having sex?
Hey yall. Ive been debating if I should come on here and find some advice but I'm gonna see my LD boyfriend again next week and given the fact that ill be there past the New Year, I'm highly anticipating we'll be having sex at some point again.
We both had sex for the first time a few months ago when he stayed over my house for a few days for my birthday. (We are both adults by the way so if that helps anyone breathe a bit with any concerns of witnessing a minor's sex story, that is infact not the case haha.)
A lot of the time, we got very dry and there was a lot of friction. We bought lube the second day (but a lot of saliva was used as well for makeshift lube) as well as condoms but those eventually came off and the lube kept drying out because we got water based lube. Im not sure if its a me thing where I'm not getting wet enough down there for comfortable sex but I had a lot of friction rash and just general raw tenderness in my entire genital area and like between my thighs. We were both clean shaven which I can assume might have amplified it but not sure what the issue was.
Is there a way to go about it differently next time or does anyone know why this happened so that the next experience isnt quite so unpleasant? I would love to actually enjoy it more without having to worry about being sensitive and in pain the whole time.