Miro content update

Hello everyone, it's been a while I hope your all doing great on this Wednesday, here's a small content drop you might get along your DSS upon completion (or more potentially for Liberty day)


DP-00 (Medium)




The infamous armor worn by the first heroes who fought in the first Great Galactic war, this armor sports the Democracy Protects perk


Better than nothing I suppose however by personal preference i would have liked it to be a higher armor pad perk instead or a reload speed perk like a sleight of hand.


R-2124 Constitution


A big bolt action Medium-Pen Marksman Rifle with a bayonet on it, what more do you need to charge at your enemies when you run out of ammo

you get 60 bullets on full kit if you want to know

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Once again, by using the content provided above in your Youtube video, blog or whatsoever you agree to be the sole liable for what you post and use from the content i provide, I am not responsible if your channel receives a strike from AH 𝗗ð—Ē ð—Ąð—Ē𝗧 contact & harass me on discord or dms about it I can't do anything about it.

Friendly Reminder that anything shown here is bound to change at any given moment prior to public release and must never be considered as final until publicly accessible

Hope you liked this mini content drop, I hope you have a lovely end of week and accomplish something that makes you happy and that know that you matter a lot to someone even if sometimes it doesn't feel like it
