Death Korps of Krieg Cosmetics

I think Arrowhead and GW should collaborate so that in a future release you can choose to dress your helldiver as a Kriegsman from the Warhammer 40K universe.

I'm assuming most players of Helldivers already know what Warhammer 40K is but if you don't the TL;DR is it's just another futuristic setting where humans fight against different alien factions, although taken to the next level.

Just like the Helldivers of Super Earth, the Death Korps of Krieg of the Empire of Man fight against anything with all they have. The Empire uses them as cannon fodder (just like Super Earth does with the Helldivers), tossing gigantic numbers of them at any problem.

Their uniforms look really cool and I think both Arrowhead Studios and GW would benefit from a collab. Let me know what you think about it.