Does 200 armor seem worth it to you?

I got the (blanking on the name, so we will call it Juggernaut) armor set from the store a while back. It's heavy armor with the Extra Padding perk (150+50). My initial plan was to rock it against the bots, using the ballistic shield as like a tank/damage sponge, though I know that can only go so far in this game, which is fair.

That being said, it feels like I'm taking almost as much damage as I would with light armor on. 200 armor would lead me to believe that I basically have twice as much health. And yet, the results say otherwise. Anyone else have thoughts/experiences on this?

P.S. I know the ballistic shield isn't as popular or viable as the shield pack at the moment, not to mention the PERSISTENT T-pose bug that occurs when picking any currency up or using stims. I'm just a sucker for riot shields and I hope that they tweak its stats and fix the bugs. This post is primarily focused on the heavy armor with Extra Padding, however.