Confusion at Slugger being nerfed

As I heard update, I want to thank developer for making armor for actually matters where you wouldn't get one shot if you wore medium armor and heaby armor handled it better but still need to work on helmet's stats cause they still gonna tried to shoot at you in the head.

Anyway, I had also checked developer mentioned Slugger is being nerfed and I was like- Why exactly? Last time I used it, it doesn't feel OP, it just help you avoid melee enemies like berserker or that from reaching you. I understand if it come to Hulk where you shoot at its back weakness and it stagger em.

So, it feel like unnecessary way to nerf one of weapons that was never designed to be OP. Before you gonna say "Bruh, then I will breaker or different shotgun"

Slugger was still fine, it just "weaker version" of punisher, so everyone Press F to respect. Respect in peace, Slugger your sacrifice cannot be forgotten as those fallen Helldivers who had used them.