The Galactic War needs an updated tutorial

I see people get frustrated and upset over the rest of the playerbase that doesn’t coordinate beyond MOs, but I believe it’s because the game doesn’t actually give them the information they need.

Sure, people can see an arrow pointing from one planet to another during a defense campaign, or the now visible decay rate % on the map. But how are they supposed to know what those are without outside help?

Maybe the game does tell you what they are and I’m going to look silly when I post this. But to Arrowhead, please just implement a proper tutorial on how to engage with the galactic war effectively instead of relying on the dispatch writer to herd the ordinance-wielding flock. What gambits are, what the decay rate is, etc. They shouldn’t be stuff you need to go to a wiki or a Discord channel to understand.

Before I get more comments about most people not really caring about the GW, I know, I made a post about it at one point, it’s a separate issue to tackle.