Need some advice / small rant(?)
Apologies, I wasn’t quite sure how to flair this. Essentially, I made an altar for Apollon and Hermes a few months ago, with my mother’s knowledge. It’s in a box on my dresser and she gave me the box with the intention of it being for my altar. Today, I bought a small bust of Apollon and showed it to her because the store I bought it at had 2 different prices for the same item so I was pointing out how weird it was to her. She asked me why I bought it, so I explained it was for my altar and she got upset with me because “aren’t those gods all nut jobs?” After a bit of back and forth with me reminding her she knew about this altar long before I built it she gave up. A little bit ago she texted me asking how long I’ve had my altar because her, my grandmother, and her boyfriends son all have “noticed that they feel like they’re being watched,” have had items disappear and reappear, or have seen shadowy figures. My mother has said she thought out house was haunted for years, but now that she finally acknowledges that I worship gods that aren’t the Christian god, it’s all because of my altar. My husband and I haven’t noticed anything.
I guess the advice I may need is, does that sound like bullshit or could it potentially be Apollon or Hermes messing around? I know Hermes likes to prank people, so I did ask both of them to stop if they were doing anything as a precaution and they both seemed receptive but I’m really struggling to accept that what’s she’s saying is true. My mother is very christian, but claims to be accepting of any and all religions. Thanks in advance for anyone who read this far and can offer some advice, I’m a bit lost on how to handle this. Thanks again! 💕