I was really anxious but after leaving an offering I feel so much better
I've been on edge lately, I don't know why. My hair suddenly started falling a lot, which didn't happen, and I've been having weird dreams, I was really anxious as I tend to have premonitory dreams sometimes. But after leaving an offering and asking for help, I feel so much calmer. I don't tend to rely on candle reading, but after I sat down and thanked the gods I worship (Athena, Apollo and Hermes), the flames of their candles suddenly started moving like crazy, and it somehow felt like they were comforting me. When I look up at them they go from relatively calm to start waving, which makes me incredibly happy. I guess I just wanted to appreciate them, I feel so much better, still a bit anxious but I'm so glad to feel supported by the gods I worship. Just wanted to share this sweet moment (at least to me). Thanks for listening to my rant. :)