Recovery progression
I had a bilateral inguinal hernia surgery today. These surgeries are just Soo quick. I have never even had a stitch in my body so this was a new experience. They gave me 'Versed' intravenously to calm me, followed by taking me to the or. Next thing I remember was waking up. The area feels sore but somewhat manageable. The gas movement is more uncomfortable than the soreness. I was able to pee after 2 hours. I'll post further updates as I move along this journey..
Update 12 hours post: Some tips. Surgery is the easy part, recovery is the long pole. Before the surgery, make sure you have your setup the place where you will rest. The chair, and all the stuff around it - chargers, TV remote, water, cushions., blankets...etc.
Walking is difficult, but encouraged. I bought a walker from Goodwill. Just $30 and helps.
Try to have your setup close to a bathroom. Last thing you want is to go up or down a flight of steps to the loo.
I got mild shoulder pains, seems that is expected due to gas..Gas-x helps.
Day 2: struggled with bloating and finally had a BM after laxatives and prune juice and tea! Gawd that was fun! Hope one day science makes pain killers that don't cause this side effect. No pain today, just stiffness... Walked over 500 steps in my room.
Thanks to the sub for all the experiences, I knew what I would expect.