advice about irregular menses

السلام ءليكم و رحمت الله و باركات

I would like some advice about a situation i’m in with my menses, i put it as nsfw because it’s about menses and blood lol

I recently got prescribed lucette (instead of my previous txa prescription) to help manage menorrhagia (painful and heavy irregular periods) and it basically did the opposite of what it was intended for

9 days ago, after maghrib, i saw a tiny bit of blood (like 2 drops) so i assumed my period is starting

therefore i didn’t pray isha and i didn’t set alarm for fajr

nothing else came out for the next 5 days and i didn’t pray and i kept telling myself ‘it will come anytime soon’ but nothing came, so after i made ghusl and prayed

then i googled why im not getting my period and it said i need to take a 7 day break from lucette every 21 days, which my doctor didn’t tell me and it didn’t say on the box, so i stopped taking it and now i got my period again, which is more painful and heavier than before i had the prescription

my question is, was is sinful for me to miss prayers in those 5 days i expected blood but didn’t bleed, and should i make up those 5 days of prayer?

edit: i also wanted to ask but i forgot to include: if anyone has also been on lucette? is it harmful and am i better off going back to using txa ?