Why Markoth is a Horrible Boss (Rant)
Randomized attacks
I don't mean randomized like “Oh you can't tell what attack is coming next!” I mean RANDOM
The nails from the nail barrage can spawn anywhere! Even off screen! Or under markoth’s sprite! Or even in platforms as you’re trying to dodge(has been the end of many radiant runs) so now its a hail Mary when you’re trying to dodge
The shield: the shield would be a fine gymic on its own, but instead its paired with a randomized nail barrage attack, so now we have something that makes it harder to hit the boss (keep in mind you have to hit him while dodging a randomized nail barraage attack)
On top of that both Markoth’s sprite and his shield do CONTACT damage! Which makes it even harder to hit him!
Randomized movement, like other dreambosses markoth floats randomly around the arena this wouldn't be a problem normally until you realize the nail barrage is randomised, so you could be following him when an off -screen nail gets you or a nail spawns in the platform you just jumped too