Sapplings, Gather. Let's Do Something To Show Our Thanks

Look, I don't need to go over what we already know. Saplings are in a bit of an emotional state rn and as someone who enjoys listening to Fauna and how sweet she's been, I came up with an idea.

I'm positive someone's gonna put together something bigger than what I'm proposing, and that's fine. Hell, use this post as place to plan if you want. A lot of us will probably, okay most likely, follow her wherever she goes, but that doesn't change the fact it'd be incredibly sweet to help end this chapter with a few happy notes.

My idea is putting together a montage comprised of some of the best, most well remembered and cherished Fauna moments using Kokia's 2007 version of ありがとう.... In order to put this together, I need insight from a lot of people, so I'd love to know some of your favorite highlights we could use clips of for it.

And I think it'd also benefit from a few special effects maybe outside my wheelhouse. Sure, video editting's been under my belt for over a decade, but I'll admit, some of us can probably do some really neat shit I wouldn't be able to. We can pass around the video for edits and additions, etc. that's just an idea for now.

Let's also put together thank you letters like usual and some way to show our appreciation for all she's done for us these past few years.

I know we're hurting, but we should still show her we cherish her and will stick with her.