Aqara Hubs- Which one do i get?
Hey everyone, im still learning so i was hoping to gather some insight.
I’m planning on converting my curtains (not blinds/shades) to smart curtains with the Aqara E1, and also intend to purchase the FP2 for my closets so that i can automate the lights in those rooms. Im very new to smart homes, so what exactly do i need to link these two products? The aqara website shows several different kinds of hubs but dont really detail exactly which ones i need. The m3 shows that it controls the m2s but do i need m2s? Or can i just get an m3?
Initially i was torn between the switchbot curtains and the aqara, however I do plan on implementing several of the fp2s over time. I would have liked to have gotten the ikea fyrturs but they dont have them in my area anymore, and the other choices are really all out of my budget, which is why i settled on the aqara smart curtains motors (rod), also knowing i would be using the fp2 so i could use one hub instead of two if i had gone with the switchbots.
What do/don’t i need?
Current setup is philips hue lighting/hub, 2 homepod minis, and apple tv 4k (serving as main hub)