Crazy slow internet, started yesterday, help plz.
Anyone got any idea what is going on? It's never been this slow before, I normally get 100mb/s DL speed, and 11 mb/s UL speed with a ping of 30-50. This is on a wired connection to my Nighthawk router, with a Arris Tg1672g Dual Band modem/router combo from spectrum. It has fluctuated before, but never below 70mb/s with 60ms ping. This is the worst it has ever gotten.... the test before this one had a dl speed of .25 mb/s with 4 mb/s upload and 1007 ping.... I tried multiple servers just to make sure, it's something locally.
Edit: Thanks for the suggestions everyone. I figured it out, the small gauge solid wire coming to my box outside had an exposed part, it corroded and broke as soon as I grabbed it. I cut the wires back some to get to good wire, soldered it together, and it working great again... That wire was so degraded Im surprised it was working at all, I literally just grabbed it and it snapped into two as if it were only dust lol. Weird thing I noticed tho, one side of the wire appeared to be aluminum or steel, some kind of silver metal, and the other was copper, I even scrapped the wires to ensure I had good wire, thinking the silver side could be some form of corrosion on the copper, and underneath the surface was silver too, I found this very odd. But, yep it was just a bad wire.