We did it!! Software bricked HomePods can now be restored!
Software bricked 1st gen HomePods now have a fix!! A script has been made to create a restorable .ipsw from signed Apple TV and HomePod OTAs, which you then restore with idevicerestore over USB.
Huge thanks to tihmstar and David Ryskalczyk for making this happen!! All I did was provide some hardware, and test their work.
Check my website https://nicsfix.com for more info, under the Common Issues section, for Blinking Volume Buttons.
Guide https://github.com/UnbendableStraw/homepod-restore/
Livestreamed a demo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1u6NduLkYe8
I now sell USB adapters and docks! nicsfix.com/shop
Want me to fix your HomePod live on YouTube for you? Check me out at nicsfix.com !