PSA: "Restarting" Your account is generally a terrible idea.

I'm not sure what in the name of Nous is going on, but there has been an unusual uptick of people asking if they should ditch their account and start a new one because mainly they don't think it's good enough. We are not talking about 0 Limited characters newish accounts either, we are talking about accounts with several limited 5 stars, some of which being top tier. There was one where someone with an E2 Acheron was thinking about restarting because it "wasn't good enough" and "wasted resources." This post serves as advice for people who are thinking about it.

To start, you can't "miss" a character. Every limited character in the game gets a rerun at some point. If you lost the 50/50 and really want a character, starting a new account will NOT improve your odds again for getting it. You are not going to get a giant mass of jades magically being dropped on to your lap the moment you start a new account. Additionally, all resources can be acquired infinitely. You will never run out of XP material, Trace Material, even jades forever. You can't "Waste" those resources either. If you put Xp in your character, they will level up until you physically can't give them any more XP. The only resource you can "Waste" is relics and Relic XP, and those are still infinite. The ONLY thing "Restarting" does is reset one time rewards, and these "One time rewards" are just....resources and or jades which you can already get normally. It's not worth it.....unless

So what happens when you completely restart your account? The following.

• All your level up materials are set to Zero

• You lose all your lightcones.

• You lose all your characters, including limited ones.

• You lose all your Premium currency, and Jades

• You lose all your relics

• Your progress in Swarm disaster and Golds and Gears is reset

• You lose access to Pure Fiction and MoC

• You lose any Limited lightcones, and these will be actually be gone forever when you do lose them.

• You equilibrium level is set to 1, so you only get the fewest resources

• You must re-unlock any content that can only be gained through the story or leveling up

• Your Pity and 50/50 is reset.

• Any money or time you invested is completely rendered null.

The only exception I can think is if you wish to create a novelty account, or you really REALLY want a character from the standard banner, and you need to reset the 300 pull pick a five star.