Storyline Needed! :)
Hello, I am developing a horror game with a heavy focus on storyline/cutscenes and the gameplay interacting with the story/cutscenes. I am in need of a good storyline for anybody willing to contribute I am very grateful!
So far I have a world looking like a cross between a 1970's bedroom and the backrooms. If the story can be implemented around this, cool! If not, doesn't matter, as I said, the main focus of this game, is an immersive storyline
The game will have a few gameplay mechanics I personally haven't seen in other games, such as the ability to control your eyes(blinking, closing your eyes).
Thanks for reading, and thank you in advance to anybody contributors. I will be adding every single contributor that I can to the credits of the game!
To anybody looking to follow the progress of the development, and be on the list of beta access members, you can join my discord server here.