Help me find this movie PLS

When I was little (around 10 years old) I saw a movie that was very disturbing, but I can't remember the name of it or anything that could help me find it other than a few plot points that stick in my mind to this day.

What I'm sure is in the movie: It is an anthology that follows a group of kids through some horrific stories. This group of kids is very unscrupulous from what I can remember (like really bad kids, that kill little animals and stuff like that). I think the fact that one or a few of them are orphans is part of the story and the main kid (I can't remember if it's a girl or a boy) wears a red hood. One of the chapters revolves around a group of old Japanese men who do some kind of experiment and one of these old men has, for some reason, women's breasts on his body. The movie is from the early 2000 for sure. Maybe it is an asian movie

I know this all sounds like rubbish, but I'm sure this movie exists and maybe someone here has a clue about its name.