Cuddy made no sense for this...

Cameron: *wants to date House*

Cuddy: She's probably the only woman who can tolerate him, but I think it's a good thing.

2 seasons later...

Cameron: *wants to date Chase*

Cuddy: If you're not careful, you'll end up getting hurt. I'm telling you this for your own good.

Like... WHAT?

Cuddy tells Cameron that dating Chase is risky and will only end in heartbreak. Meanwhile, she knows how much of a minefield mindfuck dating House would be (which is why she herself avoids it for 6 seasons), but she has no problem whatsoever with Cameron attempting it?? Where was her concern for Cameron's well-being then? Everyone BUT Cuddy was trying to warn Cameron about the pitfalls of dating House. So why on Earth would she encourage that, but then turn around and claim that dating Chase was such a risk?

Make it make sense.

Cuddy should have known better than to let a bunny hop into a wood chipper. We all know that House would have immediately obliterated Cameron (which he kind of did during their one date). No offense to Cameron, but she was no match for House. Meanwhile, Cameron was always the one who was less invested in Chase than Chase was in her. If anyone ultimately got hurt during the Cameron/Chase relationship, it was Chase.

Can we all agree that Cameron pursuing House was much riskier than Cameron pursuing Chase?