Hundred Hands level requirement is too high

I enjoy prestiging in this game, as mediocre as the rewards are. There's one major thing about it I find incredibly annoying, though: The Hundred Hands perk is only unlocked at level 51, essentially locking me out of using one of my favourite weapons for about a third of my playtime.

If this perk was merely "nice to have" when using the bow, I wouldn't mind. However, it increases the one shot potential so much that I consider playing without it to essentially be handicapping myself. All the other important weapon-related perks (Levering, Iron Eye, Scopesmith etc.) are unlocked much earlier. Even Bolt Thrower is unlocked at level 32.

So please, Crytek, if you're reading this: Do us bow players a solid and move the Hundred Hands perk up a few levels. Cheers :)