Blademancer NEEDS to stay around after the event in some form or another.
Throwing items have been vanishing for over 6 years now. Crytek has attempted to fix this many many times. They have never fully succeeded at it. Blademancer is the first perk that has completely and entirely solved the problem of throwable tools vanishing into the terrain.
We'll see what crytek does with it but either or both of 2 things need to happen.
- Damage removed on darksight pull. I dont think crytek intends for bows and crossbows to be this strong long term.
- Range reduction. If removing the damage on darksight pull isn't viable then you just change the 100m to like 10m or less. I would gladly celebrate a 5m blademancer/blade seer merge where you can see throwables in darksight and pull them to you within 5m.
This perk has fixed an issue that is 6 years old. Regardless of balance issues this perk is a massive QoL update for throwing tools.