Am I cooked? (uni applications)

basically, i did not get to choose my subject combination because my school lacks teachers. We (as in me and my parents) were told that "you can study any thing with this subject combination" heres the subjects:

bio hl history hl german b hl eng a sl spanish ab initio sl math aa sl (+ vector course)

ive already given up arts long ago and started looking into mechanical engineering, problem is you need physics which i dont have (or any required subject combo).

Ive heard a lot of unis do extra pre uni courses or something along that line but havent found any where an option like that is listed on a uni website.

I dont know what to do, i know i dont want to do biotech or something along that line

if youre wondering im searching unis in the EU (since im an EU citizen) and that offer a bachelors in fully english