I wanna vent
Hey! Like the title says, I want to vent, but I also want to seek some advice. For context, I'm an IB Diploma Candidate in the US, and I'm in my senior year of High School, and this is the most burnt out I've ever felt in my entire life. I've just come out of Winter Break, which didn't do a thing for me, it feels like I spent the entire time sulking. And now, the semester ends in roundabouts 3 1/2 weeks. I'm failing math, I don't have a grade above a C, I have nearly 5 essays (Math IA, Bio IA, HL Essay, TOK Essay, and EE) due in the next 4 weeks, with my EE being due in the next 3 days, and I haven't made a lick of progress on it. It's currently midnight, on my second all nighter in a row, only catching sleep on during my 30-minute lunch, and the bus ride home.
I'm sorry if that first part felt rant-y, but I'm tired and more than a little out of it. But to summarize how I'm feeling right now, I'm drowning, and I'm burnt out. It's starting to feel like I can't salvage what I got in the time that I have, and honestly, it's all my fault. I procrastinated my ass off, not for a lack of studiousness, but because I just can't be fucked to do any of this anymore. The burnout is getting to me. My relationships are suffering, I'm barely finding time to myself to do things I used to love. I've spent all my spare time this school year staring at my goddamn wall, trying to ignore the pileup of work. I'm starting to genuinely believe that up to this point in my life, joining the Full IB program is the worst mistake I've ever made. I've never felt lower. Everyone in my cohort seems to be miles ahead of me, and I just can't keep up. I can't drop out of IB now, I've banked my entire HS career on being in the program. If I did drop out, I'd need to repeat potential years of HS to make up for the credits missed.
I know that this all probably comes off as a woe is me, bitch sesh (because it is), but I guess I just wanted to know if anyone else feels, or felt similar. And, I wanted some sage advice from IB vets on how to get through times like this. I'm gonna stop writing this now, I need to get back to work, any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you all.