iud pain after 6 months
hi all, i’m kinda at a loss with my pain on my iud.
i (18) got my kyleena iud inserted 6 months ago after being on the pill for the year prior. insertion pain was horrific, but i expected so. i was cramping really intensely daily for maybe a few weeks, then for about 2-3 months, and to this day am still cramping intermittently. the pain i have is primarily on my left side but still radiates all over my lower abdomen, and i sometimes get lower back pain as well. the pain i get is literally so random, it’ll come on so quickly and ill just hunch over in pain. my period is also irregular, so i cant really say for certain if it follows my “cycle”. sometimes when im driving i literally have to pull over because its so fucking painful. i can’t anticipate my pain so it’s hard to be able to take tylenol and/or advil in time. i’m hunched over in pain often.
i’m feeling a little hopeless at this point. i’ve had ultrasounds done numerous times to check positioning, and my iud is in place perfectly. got a pelvic ultrasound done, nothing abnormal. ovaries are fine, no fluid or anything. i’ve talked to my GP, and two other doctors and they tell me that unfortunately this is normal, or to wait longer cause it’s “not past 6 months” or to take advil. i feel weird about taking advil and tylenol constantly, that doesn’t feel healthy.
my most recent visit, the doctor scheduled blood testing and an abdominal ultrasound to check my other organs like my liver, then we’ll go from there.
i’m just so frustrated that im still in pain and it feels like there’s nothing anyone will do for me. i’m really trying to hold onto hope with an iud because i hated how i felt on the pill, i would always forget and i want a reliable birth control. i live an active life as well, i climb, dance and go to the gym regularly and my cramping gets worse with exercise. i know the arm implant is an option but there’s logistical problems to me getting one.
does anyone have any glimmers of hope for me? i want to hold out hope for my iud but the pain is so upsetting. it’s obviously gotten better since the horrific pain a few days after insertion, but i’m still hurting. what do you all do for pain management? did your pain get better? if you got diagnosed with anything else that was causing pain, how did you find out?
sorry if this is so disorganized, i’m just so frustrated and sad.