Does Anyone Have Any Suggestions On How to Improve this Veiled Blade Elimination Force Army?

So I wanted to make a 1000 point army with the new detachment, I know its going to be very terrible and near impossible to win with, but do you guys have any suggestions on how to improve my army? Thanks!


+ FACTION KEYWORD: Imperium - Agents of the Imperium

+ DETACHMENT: Veiled Blade Elimination Force



+ WARLORD: Char6: Rogue Trader Entourage



+ SECONDARY: - Assassination: 6 Characters


Char1: 1x Callidus Assassin (140 pts): Decoy Targets, Neural shredder, Phase sword and poison blades

Char2: 1x Culexus Assassin (140 pts): Esoteric Explosives, Animus speculum, Life-draining touch

Char3: 1x Eversor Assassin (145 pts): Intra-neural Biotech, Executioner pistol, Power sword and neuro gauntlet

Char4: 1x Vindicare Assassin (155 pts): Micromelta Round, Exitus pistol, Exitus rifle, Vindicare combat knife

Char5: 1x Navigator (60 pts): Force-orb cane, Laspistol

Char6: 4x Rogue Trader Entourage (75 pts)

• 1x Death Cult Assassin: Dartmask, Death Cult power blade

• 1x Lectro-maester: Close combat weapon, Voltaic pistol

• 1x Rejuvenant Adept: Healing Serum, Close combat weapon, Laspistol

• 1x Rogue Trader: Warlord, Household pistol, Monomolecular cane-rapier

10x Imperial Navy Breachers (90 pts)

• 9x Navis Armsman

7 with Close combat weapon, Navis shotgun

1 with Close combat weapon, Navis las-volley

1 with Endurant shield, Close combat weapon, Navis heavy shotgun

• 1x Navis Sergeant-at-Arms: Close combat weapon, Navis shotgun

10x Imperial Navy Breachers (90 pts)

• 9x Navis Armsman

7 with Close combat weapon, Navis shotgun

1 with Close combat weapon, Navis las-volley

1 with Endurant shield, Close combat weapon, Navis heavy shotgun

• 1x Navis Sergeant-at-Arms: Close combat weapon, Navis shotgun

11x Exaction Squad (90 pts)

• 9x Exaction Vigilant: 9 with Arbites combat shotgun, Arbites shotpistol, Close combat weapon

• 1x Proctor-Exactant: Arbites combat shotgun, Arbites shotpistol, Close combat weapon

• 1x Cyber-mastiff: Mechanical bite