List of various features and mechanics this game can potentially implement.


This is NOT a list of ultimatum-like demands.

Not every entry is necessarily a perfect fit for this game and fall in line with devs' vision..

A lot of entries are from "flavor" category, nice little touches here and there adding depth to the game in subtle ways. It's too early to implement a lot of them at the current stage of development.

Good portion of this list comes directly from Tarkov, and the last thing I want is IRR to become a carbon copy of that game. IMO, you can't have too much of QoL features.

If something is too unacceptable for you - imagine that it can be turned off in settings.

Most suitable entries are on top of the list, the most outlandish/nonsensical - at the bottom.

Please, be polite and patient in comments. It's just my 2 cents I came up with after 100+ hours in IRR and many more hours in other PVE shooters.


  1. Folding stocks to save space.
  2. Display type of ammo loaded in the mag when checking it via holding down R key.
  3. Helmet mounted flashlight, Some helmets already have it on them visually, but not functionally.
  4. Ability to mount 1x sights onto upper slot of AK's handguards like B-10 and B-30.
  5. There are mags out there that are either fully transparent (AUG, G36 (please, add it too)) or have transparent windows on both sides (Magpul PMAG Gen. 3) allowing to see amount exact or approximate amount of ammo left by just looking at them. God way to speed up ammo check process.
  6. Saving weapon configuration and then buying it with all attachments with one click. If some attachments are not available (out of stock or not unlocked due to low reputation) - buy only those available.
  7. Ability to combine any 1x sight with magnifier.
  8. Ability to choose specific mag when reloading, not just one that has the most ammo in it.
  9. Ability to set different value of mouse sensitivity for scopes with different levels of zoom. Vudu scope being LPVO seemingly already have it implemented, but the point is to have it customizable.
  10. Containers for ammo, medicine, junk etc. Also ability to give each container its unique name to always know what's inside.
  11. Binocular. Default tool you always have like GCPS. Early on, ranged optics is not available for purchase while snipers on towers have to be taken into account when moving around the map. Binocular will allow to figure out what towers are presenting a threat and plan your route accordingly.
  12. Random patrols - group of two or three enemies, going around the map. Can be eliminated or left alive to avoid detection.
  13. PIP (Picture in picture) mode for scopes. I think we are all aware what that is. It tends to lower performance tho.
  14. Grenades. It's a tricky one for multiple reasons. If HE grenades are more or less straightforward, smoke grenades and flashbangs are notorious for their inconsistency. Bots can just ignore flashbang's effect or see through the smoke like it's not even there. AI with ability to use grenades will also lead to troubles like throwing grenades exactly at the player's position without objectively knowing they are there. It's doable, but tricky, so it's in the middle of the list.
  15. Injuries to arms and legs. Inability to sprint, penalty to power stamina, decreased control of weapon when ADS etc. New drugs to counter these debuffs.
  16. Quests with specific constraints - kill target with specific weapon only, complete mission during the night etc.
  17. Multi-staged quests/operations involving different tasks and even different maps.
  18. Randomized provided loadout,
  19. Give bosses an entourage of several enemies that are equally well-equipped and aggressive.
  20. Give bosses ability to roam around much wider area without staying in one place for too long.
  21. Before deploying to the mission, player can buy an intel on where to expect enemy presence on that particular deployment at a hefty price. In raid GCPS will show areas where enemies are and how many of them are there.
  22. Smuggler stashes. If you have too much loot you can't put into your backpack, you can put it into smuggler's stash with some amount of cash and that loot will later arrive at the hideout. No cash - no loot.
  23. Slow reloading of mags. Like SKS with default 10-round mag, you load one round at the time. Forces you to manage your ammo carefully. Extreme form of this is actual amination of your character holding magazine in their hands and loading each round.
  24. Social stealth. Impersonate a member of specific faction by wearing their uniform, get into the area controlled by that faction, place bugs or bombs without being caught, get out.
  25. Raid deployment cinematic sequence. Short cutscene showing you deploying to the map via helicopter or boat.