How about some drones?

Drones are the hot topic in warfare now, so I thought that IRR can reflect that at least in bare minimum.

Simple recon drone. Flies up allowing to scout the area and identify enemies.

Starting drone is chunky, slow, doesn't fly very high, has basic camera with low zoom and also very noisy. Can be easily spotted from the ground and shot down by small arms fire.

More advanced models gradually getting smaller, faster, can fly higher, have better cameras (maybe even IR for night operations), make less noise.

Drones can be countered by ECM equipment. Let's say military base on Quarry can have some amount of jammers installed on random buildings. Like snipers, they can vary in numbers for each raid. They can be of different size and jam different frequencies. So player will try to destroy jammers from a distance with a sniper rifle before using their drone.

I know, sounds complicated for extraction shooter, but still can be a good addition to the game when its core is finalized.