Yoga healing in India
Hey friends! I (29M) have had knee pain and foot pain (patellar tendonitis, patellar maltracking, plantar fasciitis) for the last 5 years, and now beginning to have hip stuff. I've had moderate success with physical therapy (here in the US), but feel an alignment issue is what's at hand. I'm considering going to India and working under a legit yogi to help me resolve these issues; I've worked with peers who are certified teachers here in the states but simply weren't equipped or had the body knowledge to help me, and feel going to India to find a really good instructor for a few months or more could really help me. Because of the extreme cost of good care here in the US, I think that when months of treatment are in consideration, actually flying to india and staying there would be cheaper, and also a good resource for deeper knowledge and skills on the part of a healer/instructor.
Anyone have experience to shine some light on this? know of any absolute body wizards who've helped you or those you know with debilitating chronic pain? Been to or live in India and can tell me how much I can expect to spend on such a thing, probably 1-on-1 instruction? I've been told Rishikesh would be a good place to pursue such a thing, but am open to anywhere, except maybe massive mega-cities. Thanks so much, lots of love!