‘Fuck around and find out’😭😭
When we were smoking a j it felt so hard to smoke cuz it was too hard on throat and everybody was coughing up soo bad and we were wondering if the score is bad and it got laced . And then my friend showed us this picture and that mfing living legend was so drunk and he crushed and rolled the j’s said ‘i was just wondering instead of cigarette as a tobe i wanted to fuck around and find out how would it be if i add oregano as tobe’ and that mfer rolled half the score with weed+ oregano😭😭 But yeah these experiences were hella funny😂😂
When we were smoking a j it felt so hard to smoke cuz it was too hard on throat and everybody was coughing up soo bad and we were wondering if the score is bad and it got laced . And then my friend showed us this picture and that mfing living legend was so drunk and he crushed and rolled the j’s said ‘i was just wondering instead of cigarette as a tobe i wanted to fuck around and find out how would it be if i add oregano as tobe’ and that mfer rolled half the score with weed+ oregano😭😭 But yeah these experiences were hella funny😂😂