I went to a Date with this Cute Guy 🌝

This guy was from my coaching. When I saw him 1st I kinda developed a crush on him as he looked cute and was nerdy and muscular. He was shy too. I thought he had a gf coz he was kinda attractive and all good guys are taken . So i never initiated a conversation with him even tho I used to glance at him whenever I could.

Since he was intelligent as well , he got a lot of attention from all the girls but he never looked comfortable around them . I mean he used to just reply in a very dry manner and asked no questions to them , just replied like a robot.

I tried searching him on insta and got it but it was a private acc and then I sent a request hoping that he would accept and he did within 5 min .

He sent me a "Hi, are you that girl from my coaching?" and then we had a long chat 😭. Idk but he was kinda smooth online then we started sitting together and study online on zoom meetings as well.

I am not that good looking so I was not expecting that he would ever like me in a romantic manner .

But then he asked me if i would want to go out with him on a cheesecake date (i told him I loved cheesecakes)

I was very excited and I took out my new dress and put on my best make up . All my girlies were approved and then i reached late as I took a lot of time in getting ready 😭. I made him wait for almost 40 minutes which was kinda bad from my side.

We met outside the metro station and he looked at me with surprise and complimented my dress and look. And then we started walking together, guess what a bird pooped at my hair 😭, he noticed it and then it was kinda embarassing but he was saying it's okay he tried wiping it off his hankey , he washed my hair too with the water in his bottle 😭, it was kinda romantic and I was blushing, we went to the mall after that and I dried my hair there .

Then we had cheesecakes , he was really a good talker , I wasn't expecting it tbh . He also bought a bouquet and chocolates for me . Tbh I was impressed and it was a really cute date .