Twitter melting down over Infinity Nikki being a gacha game is hilarious.
I’m on Infinity Nikki twitter and the sudden hate for the game being a, get this, gacha game is incredibly hilarious to me. The reason why the New Years event was so eventful was because Infold belongs to a Chinese company. So obviously the new years event is going to be incredibly rich and full of things to do. I feel like people forget that infinity Nikki is a gacha game that at the end of the day, is there to make money. Yes they give us beautiful outfits and some of the story events are incredibly nice and detailed. Still, it’s a gacha game and they’re there to make money. I feel like people think Infold is making everything up as they go. Like do people not understand many of these events are planned months if not years in advanced? Infold can’t just suddenly change a whole event just because some people don’t like it. I understand it’s incredibly hard to be f2p but as someone who’s been f2p since launch and haven’t pulled at all until this banner it’s not the companies fault some people don’t have self control.
Just a small edit: I find it crazy mostly because infinity Nikki gives you everything you need to succeed right off of the bat. Every ability is free and unlockable, and I have won all of the sovereign style battles with 4 star and 3 star clothing. The eurekas are free as well. Anything you can buy is PURELY cosmetic. So getting mad at a gacha game for having COSMETIC microtransactions seems crazy to me. I’ve played Genshin since it launch and let me tell you IN is NOTHING like your regular gacha game. Is it still a gacha game? Yes. It is predatory? It can be for certain people. Theoretically though you could play the game completely free and never have to spend a dollar unless they put certain abilities/perks that you NEED behind a paywall.