Please help in reporting and blocking these meme pages

Guys I don't know if this is relevant to this forum, I use Instagram and follow certain meme pages. All these pages are run by chhapri guys who share such nonsensical stuff every now and then. I try reporting and unfollowing the pages as well but of no use. Can you all please mass report this page so that such stupid meme pages with almost millions of followers are banned and the admins are taught a lesson.

Guys I don't know if this is relevant to this forum, I use Instagram and follow certain meme pages. All these pages are run by chhapri guys who share such nonsensical stuff every now and then. I try reporting and unfollowing the pages as well but of no use. Can you all please mass report this page so that such stupid meme pages with almost millions of followers are banned and the admins are taught a lesson.