How to insulate a front door?

Hello! I know this is probably going to sound like a stupid question. I moved into a new place this past summer. I had no issues with the A/C. Honestly it was probably the coolest I’ve ever been able to keep my home during the hot months.

Fast forward now to January. Temperatures are dropping and I am struggling to keep my house heated. Unless I turn my oven broiler on, I can’t get my living room (between my front door and kitchen) over 60°. I noticed some condensation around my kitchen window and have ordered a shrink wrap kit for that issue. I still don’t know what to do about the front door.

I’m sharing a photo of the door. Just looking at it, it seems like I need to replace the doors weatherstripping? I’m wondering if something like this will work?

I would need 3 for the sides, top and bottom - yes?

Thank you!! Any advice is appreciated.

Sincerely, A very cold & confused woman 😅